Jerusalem Urban Lexicon: The Jerusalem of Things

Jerusalem Urban Lexicon: The Jerusalem of Things

Bom Dia Books

By Abu Zuluf, B., Abu Eisheh, J., Qannam, S., Distretti, E.

Jerusalem Urban Lexicon: The Jerusalem of Things


This creative piece explores Jerusalem through an experimental lexicon documenting everyday objects that carry political and cultural significance. Through collecting and documenting seemingly mundane items - from house keys to olive trees - the work maps how material culture reflects broader patterns of displacement, resistance, and memory in the city.

The lexicon combines photographs, personal narratives, and critical analysis to examine how urban objects become repositories of Palestinian history and identity under occupation. Each entry reveals how ordinary things acquire extraordinary meaning in contexts of dispossession and spatial control.

The project aims to preserve Palestinian urban memory while critiquing how colonial infrastructure reshapes the city's material landscape.